Request email distribution

To submit a message for approval, please send an email to from your institutionally affiliated email address with the following information:

  • Your full name
  • Your institutional affiliation
  • The title of your recruitment email (e.g., Seeking BCBAs for a survey on functional assessment procedures). Include target population, type of study, general topic. This title should be 8-12 words
  • Text of your recruitment email. Max length: 250 words. This should include:
    • Purpose of the research
    • inclusion/exclusion criteria
    • general procedures and approximate participation time (e.g., 10-20 minute survey, up to five 30-60 min video calls)
    • incentives (e.g., you will have the option to be entered into a raffle for one of five $20 gift cards) (if applicable)
    • Link to survey (if applicable)
    • Contact for more information
    • Documentation of IRB approval/exemption

Please keep in mind:

  • BARRL only accepts submissions for studies recruiting practitioners of behavior analysis as participants. We do not accept submissions for studies recruiting clinical populations or caregivers.
  • Please do NOT include your entire informed consent document as your recruitment email text
  • The fee is $60 for one time distribution or $75 for initial distribution + 30 day follow up. After your submission is approved, we will contact you to arrange payment.

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